Wednesday, September 5, 2012

Wednesday, September 5th.

     What's for lunch Wednesday, September 5th?  Breaded chicken patty on a bun with potatoes.  I chose a different vegetables than potatoes, though.

     Here is a breakdown of what I ate for lunch on Wednesday, September 5th.
  • 1 can pineapple juice..........90 calories
  • 1/2 cup cherry tomatoes
  • 1 peach
  • 1/2 cup pickled beets
  • 1/2 pint white 1% low-fat milk...100 calories
  • 1 chicken patty on a whole wheat bun
  • honey mustard sauce
     Today for lunch, we had breaded chicken patty on a bun with potatoes.  I really enjoy this meal, and the honey mustard sauce we are offered is quite good.  The whole wheat bun, I am not the biggest fan of.  I do understand that whole wheat is much healthier for someone than white bread, but there is something different about the wheat bread at school.  I eat wheat bread at home, and prefer it over white.  I even eat whole grain noodles most of the time, but this wheat bread needed quite a bit of honey mustard sauce to make it less tough.  I have a feeling that people will get more used to the whole grain buns and whole grain products as the school year goes on.  Hopefully, the texture will improve too.  
     I would like everyone that reads this blog to know that I make every effort to make sure that the things I am writing are factual, objective, and backed up by information from credible sources, all of which I post links to when I reference them.  I will also make every effort to correct any misinformation in the blog.  In addition, I would like to remind everyone that this blogs purpose is not to target the cafeteria workers, but to target the regulations and rules they have to abide by.
     Today, my blog was mentioned in a Beatrice Daily Sun article written by Emily Deck, check it out here at  Reading the first line of the article, it states, "From Aug. 22 to Aug. 27, lunch program participation at Beatrice High School had dropped nearly 40 percent from 547 students to 339."  Seeing those numbers, I was extremely shocked.  Since there are 3 lunch periods at my school, I only get to see 1 of them.  I didn't realize just exactly how many kids have brought their own lunch.   

-----Don't forget to give your opinion in the School Lunches Suck! Blog poll: How much Control?  And don't forget to use the 'share' button on the right side of the page!! Be sure to check back soon for updated posts!!-----


  1. My senior son is at the recommended weight for his age & height. He is bringing his own lunch because he is always hungry. Hard to focus in class when you're hungry. Thank you for addressing this.

  2. Kids, watch what's on your trays because left overs are going to be served in disguise in a casserole, oh wait, if it's not on a bun it's not served at BHS!

  3. Travis,
    I am so impressed by your blog! I'm happy that the link was included on the Beatrice Daily Sun's recent article so I could check it out. I graduated from BHS in 2006, and I can tell by the looks of things, the school lunches really have changed. Although I must admit, the pictures you have shared of the current lunch options do look a lot like what I try to eat now that I'm in my mid twenties. However, I can also remember being in high school and needing more than the standard 2000 calorie/day just to keep up with my activities and still-growing body. I'll be sure to check back on your blog to see what else is going on. Again, great job!!
    -Ellen Cillessen

  4. Some girl came over to my lunch table and said that she heard 3 people's bread being moldy! Sick.

  5. Nice of you to take a stand. You may be interested to know that there are lots and lots of folks who are outraged by the changes to the menu this year. You can see an example here: My kids and I are in a district near you and I have nieces and nephews in BPS. Oh, and BTW, I am the one who wrote the body of the post I just sent. Keep up the great work!

    1. Thanks for your support, ladysadie1! I'll make sure to check out the article!!

  6. Thanks for all of your support!!
